
How Spinefulness Helped Improve My Upper Back, Yoga for Healthy Aging blog
How finally, after 29 years of yoga, I found Spinefulness and learned how to straighten my thoracic spine. Includes instructions for sitting well.
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The Lost Art of Bending Over: How Other Cultures Spare Their Spines, NPR
Reporter Michaeleen Ducleff interviews Jean Couch and Jenn Sherrer at the Spinefulness center in Palo Alto, as well as other experts on healthy spines. The verdict: hinging from the hips, as people with balanced posture do, protects our backs from injury. Bonus, and excellent gif of Jenn endlessly bending and straightening.
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To Fix That Pain In Your Back You Might Have to Change the Way You Sit, NPR
How sitting in a C-shape creates pain in your back, and how sitting in Spinefulness – the way we used to sit, and the way people in many cultures still sit, can take it away. Reporter Michaeleen Ducleff talks about her own back pain while sitting, and how Spinefulness has helped, and interviews back experts and anthropologists about how, and how much we sit.
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