Spinefulness Practice Classes
Because of the Corvid-19 situation, all classes are postponed until it’s once again safe to gather in groups.
Regular classes are the key to incorporating any new understanding into the body, whether it be yoga, dance or Spinefulness.
But they’re especially important for those of us who have woken up from the collective trance of modern posture. We are surrounded by people in spectacular misalignment, and we can’t help but be influenced. Check out the Annals of Catastrophic Posture if you need more convincing.
One antidote is a regular practice class. Once a week you can:
• Get back to basics and touch the ocean of relaxation that awaits when you just sit well.
• Speed your progress toward a longer spine through exercises that release old tension patterns.
• Be checked on your progress and have your questions answered.
Open to those who have taken a Spinefulness series or weekend, or have taken Spineful Yoga classes.
During this period of self-isolation, I am offering a limited number of practice classes via Zoom.
For more information, email me at evej@shaw.ca